Music on the Hill

Music on the Hill


Raised so far

  • About

Join us in celebrating the enchanting melodies of the Cathedral's music!

"Music wakes the soul, lifts it high, wings it with sublime desires, and fits it to be speak the Deity.” *

For those who share a passion for fostering choral music, nurturing talented musicians, supporting dedicated choristers, and preserving the soul-stirring notes of our organs and organists, this is your invitation to make a lasting impact.

With your support, we can ensure that the harmonious rhythms of our cathedral resound even more profoundly.

"Be part of a Legacy of Harmony: Preserving Music on the Hill, the Beating Heart of Guildford Cathedral."

If you would like to find out more about how you can become a vital patron of our musical intentions, please do get in touch. You can find out more on our website 


*A song for St Cecilia’s Day by Joseph Addison